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DIS 2018
🎖️ Honorable Mention

Statement Making: A Maker Fashion Show Foregrounding Feminism, Gender, and Transdisciplinarity

Johanna Okerlund, Madison Dunaway,
Celine Latulipe, David Wilson, and Eric Paulos



Maker culture has been increasingly pervasive in a variety of communities and contexts, in particular devoted spaces such as Makerspaces, Hackerspaces and Fab Labs. Several people, however, have pointed out that while one of the values of these spaces is radical inclusion, the general Maker culture can be exclusive to some based on gender, race, and socioeconomic status. With the goal of disrupting existing Maker culture by developing, diversifying, and empowering our own university Maker community, we created a semi-structured making experience that we call Statement Making. Statement Making is a Maker Fashion show that we invited anyone from the community to participate in by “making a statement” for them or a friend to wear in a runway show. We report outcomes and experiences of those who participated. We then discuss the key aspects of the event, especially surrounding its performative aspect, using design principles of Feminist HCI to argue that events with similar aspects might also be successful at disrupting existing culture.



HEL Authors:


Eric Paulos

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