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CHI 2023
🏆 Best Paper

Kaleidoscope: An Online Studio Environment for HCI Courses

Sarah Sterman, Molly Jane Nicholas, Janaki Vivrekar, Jessica Mindel, and Eric Paulos



Documentation can support design work and create opportunities for learning and reflection. We explore how a novel documentation tool for a remote interaction design course provides insight into design process and integrates strategies from expert practice to support studio-style collaboration and reflection. Using Research through Design, we develop and deploy Kaleidoscope, an online tool for documenting design process, in an upper-level HCI class during the COVID-19 pandemic, iteratively developing it in response to student feedback and needs. We discuss key themes from the real-world deployment of Kaleidoscope, including: tensions between documentation and creation; effects of centralizing discussion; privacy and visibility in shared spaces; balancing evidence of achievement with feelings of overwhelm; and the effects of initial perceptions and incentives on tool usage. These successes and challenges provide insights to guide future tools for design documentation and HCI education that scaffold learning process as an equal partner to execution.



HEL Authors:


Eric Paulos


Molly Nicholas


Sarah Sterman


Janaki Vivrekar

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